
"Fissures" represents the completion of a personal project that I've been pouring over and revising for more than a decade. I wanted to write something that felt real, and challenged the people who had the opportunity to hear it. Rather than just another, run of the mill "Jesus is good for you!" Christian album, I wanted to delve into the things that I felt the artists I grew up listening to were avoiding. The themes of addiction, failures of the church, and the beauty of God and the salvation he provides us have always been present in the various iterations of this work as I've been drafting it. It just took me a long time to reach a point where I was representing those themes in such a way that I was content with. To find the balance between heavy-hitting and overwhelming, criticism and ridicule, between speaking like Jesus and being a pharisee.

Through every stage of this process, I've felt God placing these things on my heart and watched as he's given me the means to write and produce the music that captures what I've been convicted of. I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now without God's provision in my life. From gifting me with the instruments I needed at different times, to placing the people in my life who would help teach me to write and cultivate my love of music. Nothing that I've written, none of the success that I've seen, none of the joy that I've found in these things would be possible without him, and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to be able to use the talents he's given me to serve him.